Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chasing what matters

This weekend I saw 127 hrs and if you have seen the movie, when Aron realizes he might die soon, suddenly his whole life flashes over his eyes. All events, relationships, regrets and fond memories. He realizes that this might be it and his whole life was being drawn to this very moment.

Also a couple weeks back, I read the book “Tuesdays with Morrie”, about a professor who meets his student every Tuesday and takes lessons. A really nice read and equally eye opening.

After watching 127hrs and reading that book, I realized that its so easy to get caught up in day to day life, work, worrying for small things, all the “should haves” , “could haves”, "if only's" ....
but how much of all that we chase every single day, really matter?

I realize that I have read these things and talked about it like a zillion times, but still how much of this do I really remember and put in practice?

Was talking to a friend a couple weeks back, when he said, he got a call from his father and his father wanted to talk with him. He was busy completing his project and didn't feel like talking. The next day, he gets a call that his father is sick and very soon after that his father passed away.

So back to my question,  what is it that really matters?

Is it worth: Getting upset over a lost/misplaced belonging, getting tensed about something at work, stressing that the house is not clean, not getting enough vacation days, breaking relationships because someone hurt us at some point,  weather is horrible,  etc etc etc?

That day, I immediately called up my childhood friend and spoke with her at length about what’s happening in her life. Something I had been putting off for a really long time.

There are some things I guess which cannot be put off until “some other time”. Its all about making a choice every single min and chasing what matters.

And the good news is that WE CAN MAKE THAT CHOICE!

My friends in Seattle have taught me two words "Maaf Hai", meaning "don't worry, it doesn't matter", and these mean so much to me because they help me make my choice every time.

My parents are calling and I need to pick up my phone.

Bye till then…


  1. mansi23: Mansi Shah @vidhi_482:Amazing post!Woke this morning and heard my great-granddad passed away yesterday-cant tell you how much reading this affected me!

  2. Ankini Shah @vidhi_482: very well said!

  3. So true... beautifully articulated.
